
chapter 50

Raphael Stars…

I tried my best.

I know that I have been saying this more often, but I really did try my best.

I tried mu best to stay away from her. My little green flower.

I tried to stop thinking about her. I tried to burry myself in work, I tried to over workout and when that didn't work, I tried going for a long run.

But no matter what I did or what I tried to think about, my mind would constantly return to her.

The way she'd looked at me with curiosity, the way she tried to help pop my dislocated shoulder back in its place, the way her fingers brushed through the strands of my hair, the way her cheeks flushed as she looked at my wolf's ears...

Each expression that passed across her face and each movement of her body was burned in to my brain, constantly popping up the entire day as I tried to work.

What I had actually thought was the entire day turned out to be just a few hours in the morning.

But my goal to avoid thinking about her had came crumbling down when my inform
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