


I watched as Naya dragged my mate away, wrapped in my Delta jacket. Sullenly, I tore my gaze away but looked around spying the crowd that was getting back to partying. But nothing seemed unusual. Then who the hell pushed her into the lake? And why would someone push Ivy of all the people? I saw her standing by the edge and drinking and I just looked away for a split second, and she was thrashing in the water. There were so many people standing by the edge. How would I know who pushed her? Or did she slip?

Unable to find anyone who might seem suspicious, I dragged my eyes away and immediately met with Eli's skepticism and disapproval dancing in his hazel orbs. I knew he was dying to lecture me. He already did when he arrived with Ivy, mindlinking me quite some expletives that distracted me from the blonde.

“Don’t get started.” I rolled my eyes, grabbing a can of beer.

“What are you doing, Alpha?” Eli demanded, following me as I headed to the bar, feeling irritated again.


“You have a mate now, Ash. You were kissing some random woman in front of her,” His tone was accusatory, and it made my scalp prickle. Yes, Eli was a close friend, but he could be a pain in the ass sometimes. Like now.


“And?” he mocked, looking appalled. Eli was much more committed to the mate thing than I was.

“She doesn’t want me? Isn’t that pretty clear? And I don’t want her. Why bother with the whole loyalty thing, then? We have neither accepted nor rejected each other, so the bond hasn’t even…well, set in, to put it in a simpler way. She won't even feel it because there is no acceptance. Relax,”

“What is that supposed to mean? You are not baking a cake, Ash!”

“And what is your problem exactly, Eli? I come back after eight months and you have switched best friends? Look, I have had enough shit for a day with Noah and Logan lecturing me, can really do without you adding to it. That woman is too much, and you know how I am.”

“Can you blame her?!” Eli grimaced. “You ran away from her. Probably leaving her with a million questions and wondering if she dreamed it all or if she was inferior or worthless…”

“She told you all that?” I scowled, raising a brow.

“No… Ivy isn’t much of a talker,” he replied.

“Then stop spinning tales and leave me alone,” I said flatly. “I know what I did wrong, I will apologize, but that’s all. I won’t have a random woman treating me like crap. Me, the damn Alpha of this pack,”

“She’s your mate.”

“Again…I don’t care.” I waved lazily to shoo him away as I grabbed another can of beer. But apparently, Eli wasn’t done yet.

“Then why did you jump into the lake to save her?” he asked. I grit my teeth because there was no answer to that question.

“Yes, why?” Mac demanded, his tone equally mocking. I struggled for words to frame my answer, but there were none. I just don’t know. That was my most feral instinct and there was a certain fear I felt in my chest. Like I cannot let her get hurt.

“Asher!” We both whirled around and the blondie stood behind me, pouting like a bratty teenager.

I wasn’t even sure what her name was. My brothers threw this party, so they invited everyone and everyone on my so-called friends' list. And most of them, of course, were girls. But the poor boys didn’t expect I would run into my mate the moment I set my foot, so now I was surrounded in a pool of gorgeous women, most if not all, I have fucked at least once. And then forgot all about it.

“What a thing to be proud of,” Mac grimaced, making me cringe.

“You have enjoyed equally,” I grumbled, hating how suddenly my life, which I had chosen for myself and was perfectly content with, was now making me uncomfortable. I seriously needed to stay away from that woman, but right now, I needed this blonde to escape Eli.

“Hi baby,” I said, trying to sound cheerful as I took her hand and pulled her closer.

“What…you are wet! Why would you jump into the water for a random girl?” she demanded.

“Random? She’s…” Eli began, but I instantly cut him off, shooting him a warning glare. I might be his best friend, but I was also his Alpha.

“I am the Alpha of this pack. It’s my job to protect my people, sweetheart,” I answered, biting back the pain that jolted through my body—Mac’s way of rebelling. Fuck, he knows how to hurt!

“Aw, that’s sexy,” she said in a seductive voice. “And I like you in a wet shirt. Can we pick up where we left off?”

“Would love that!” I gave her one of my looks, and she almost melted like a candle left on a gas stove. I could smell her arousal, but weirdly enough…it did nothing for me. 

Like it hasn't since the night I crashed into her two years ago.

Must be because I am irritated at the moment. Taking this to the bedroom might help…I thought.

” Yes, please!” she smiled, biting her lip.

“Asher…” Eli began, but I gave him a wave as I grabbed blondie’s hand and walked away.

“Tomorrow,” I said flatly.

“Asshole,” Eli mindlinked when I had almost reached my car and, choosing to ignore him, I climbed inside and headed back. Thankfully, it was too late for anyone to catch me sneaking in with a woman that wasn’t my mate, but as I ushered the blonde upstairs, I couldn’t help but quickly gaze around.

Where was she? Was she staying at the Alpha House or in the dorms where all the warriors and hunters stay beside the omega shelter? But GrayCrest didn’t have a female warrior or a hunter. Was she staying among so many men all alone? The thought left a dirty taste in my mouth, and I quickly pushed it away.

None of my concern.

I will ask Eli tomorrow.

“Your room hasn’t changed much,” the blonde remarked as I shut the door behind me.

Yeah, I have slept with her before.

“Uh…yeah,” I nodded. She turned around and gave me a salacious smile, the tight red dress hugging her curves, face full of make-up and lips painted in blood-red lipstick.

“What now, Alpha?” she whispered, her fingers tracing my lips. Before I could respond, she stood on her tiptoes and placed her lips on mine, pushing me against the door. Her tongue greedily explored my mouth and I tried to follow suit, my hands traveling down her body and resting on her ass. She smelled of beer and some very strong fragrance.

“Don’t touch me…I am fine,”

Glimpses of deep blue eyes gazing back at me swam through my head and my breath hitched as that scent, that extremely potent and sinful scent, somehow lingered in my being. It made the scent of the blonde feel suffocating. Disgusting even. She was pulling all her tricks, playing with my tongue while her fingers played with my cock over my jeans. And this should have been enough for me to throw her against the wall and take her from behind. But to my utter horror…

This wasn’t working.

My breath came out in pants as her scent took over me, my fingers reminding me how it felt to hold her and how perfectly they fit into her delicious curves. How her blue eyes could stare straight into my soul, making me almost lose my mind for a moment.

“Asher?” the blonde had pulled away and was now peering back at me with a disapproving look.

“Pumpkin spice.” My senses were refusing to cooperate with me at this point.

“What?” the blonde frowned.

“Pumpkin spice,” I whispered, my mouth salivating for a taste of her already. “That’s…her scent,”

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