
Chapter-25 (Part 1)


My head throbbed violently as I dragged myself downstairs for breakfast the next morning. I couldn’t sleep, nor could I go back to patrolling after what happened, because my mind was reeling. So I spent the majority of it emptying the bar and trying to figure out what happened at the lakehouse and if I dreamed all of it. But the marks on my back from her nails were confirmation that I didn’t. It all happened between us, none of it was a dream and the worse part…she initiated it.

And then left me feeling like a fucking villain. Like I was the one forcing myself on her when in fact, she was the one who used and manipulated me. The fucking matebond stripped me of all my senses and rational genes and I gave in to her just with a kiss. She used me…me, Alpha Asher Gray when it’s always the other way around. My scalp prickled with fury but I tried to calm myself down because the pain in my temples was dreadful.

“You look like shit,” Logan remarked as soon I walked into the dining room. I gazed up and both my brothers were there. They must have returned late last night from their visit to the City.

“What’s wrong?” Rose asked, immediately looking concerned. “You don’t look very good, Asher,”

“I am fine. Just didn’t get much sleep,” I replied, pouring myself some coffee. As if that would soothe the bitterness inside.

“You will need quite a bit of that,” Cora remarked.

“Give me a break, will you?” I scowled and grabbing my mug, I stalked out, feeling irritated.

“At least eat something,” Noah called out.

“Not hungry,” I responded. “And meeting after I am done with training.”

Before anyone could say anything more, I stalked out and headed to the gym. There was still some time left before the usual training started, so gulping down the coffee, I pulled off my gym vest and started with push-ups to get my muscles working. I turned the music on full blast with Eminem’s “Godzilla” fueling me.

I felt a tad better after hitting a hundred push-ups, but realized the lingering bitterness in my chest would take some time to subside. Or at least some kind of revenge. I was humiliated and angry, the first emotion completely alien to me and the second one not something I handled well.

As I headed out to the training ground, I hoped to the Moon Goddess that she wouldn’t dare show me her face. And if she dared, she was in for hell. I don’t care if she is my mate. I was the Alpha of this pack and nobody gets to treat me that way. Not even my mate. She needed to learn some fucking manners big time.

“Good morning,” Eli slapped me on the back, appearing out of nowhere. “Ugh, you are all sweaty.”

“I worked out.”

“You never came back last night. What happened?” It was an innocent question, but it triggered me like hell and I shot him a dirty look before stalking ahead, refusing to dwell on the memories.

“I am with you on this one,” Mac agreed, equally pissed.

As usual, the warriors were all lined up, taking their usual positions with Reed and Graham at the front. The position between them was empty, and it brought about a sense of relief because I truly didn’t want to face her just yet.

“Any updates on last night’s intruder?” I demanded.

“Nothing. We traced the scent all the way to CrescentMoon but nothing,” Graham answered.

“I have sent messengers to talk to CrescentMoon’s hunters about this. If it crossed over,” Reed added.

“Hmm, well, this isn’t the first time someone has crossed over our borders. And it surprises me how that is possible with so many competent warriors guarding each perimeter.” I glared at Reed and Graham as the rest of the warriors lowered their heads.

“Time and again, your callousness has cost GrayCrest in ways that made it necessary for the alphas to stand up and defend the pack from the worst possible outcomes. And yet we never learn. Winter is just a breath away, and it's prime time for enemies to attack. It’s not just other packs we need to be worried about. There are many other factors out there that pose a threat. I will not allow any more leniency moving forward. If I hear another single occurrence of someone invading our boundaries, even if a fucking rogue, it won’t end well for anyone. Is that understood?” Before the others could respond, there was the sound of scampering feet and I clenched my jaw as she materialized and silently took her position in front of me, not meeting my eyes. I must say, she has the guts to dare stand in front of me after last night.

“I believe we had a conversation about coming late just yesterday, warrior?” I sneered.

“I…I had to run some errands, am sorry alpha,” Ivy replied, head lowered, not meeting my eyes.

“That's your excuse?”

“No…” she shook her head. “I…I apologize,”

“You call yourself a warrior and yet you show up late. Look up! I hate cowering idiots,” I snapped, and it came out so harsh that even I was surprised by it. Ivy looked up instantly and the moment I glanced into her blue eyes, memories from last night came hurling into my mind.

“I won’t be able to stop if we go any further…”

“No, don’t you dare come near me…or touch me,”

I wanted to punish her. That’s how mad I was. I wanted to slam her against the wall and fuck her until she begged me to stop. And as disgusting a thought as it was, her behavior last night couldn’t render any other emotion in me. She humiliated me in ways no one ever has. She made me weak with all but a kiss. What was she thinking? What were her intentions? My scalp prickled, and I took a step closer, glaring at her.

“My brothers said you are one of the best warriors they have seen,” I hissed. “But I can see for the first time their judgment is wrong. Because a warrior who isn’t disciplined enough to show up on time to training isn’t worth anything. I do not have the time or patience in me to deal with you.”

Her blue eyes glistened, but still she held back, staring squarely into my eyes. Her scent consumed me in ways I couldn’t explain and now that I had a taste of her, knew how her lips tasted, how her soft skin felt to touch, the way she moaned, a melody to my ears, it just made standing within her proximity even harder than before. I wondered if she felt the same way.

“Next time you will not be just out of the army, but out of the pack itself. I don’t care what my brothers have to say, and I don’t care that you are my…” I trailed off, but I believe she understood.

“Two hundred laps around the perimeter, and you will not stop and rest for even a drink. Nor can you shift. You have until sunset to complete this or give up your position as a warrior…” I said.

“Alpha…” Eli protested, but shut up and moved back as I shot him a look.

“Your time starts now. Graham…keep an eye on her,” I said, shooting Ivy a cold look. I knew throwing Graham into this would be an insult to injury, and that was exactly the aim. Ivy’s eyes hardened, but she gave me a nod and, without another word, she turned and jogged away towards the primary perimeter. From the corner of my eyes, I did catch the evil gleam in Graham’s eyes and decided that when the time was right...

I would deal with him my way.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Siri Mal
His being a jerk to his mate

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