

They sat together on the floor trying to catch their breath.

"Tell me about Mira, you seem to have known her for a very long time" Alex said

"Yea true" Luke nodded

"Yea...I would like to know how my little sis was when she was younger" Hugh smiled at the thought of it

"Actually she was a really calm one, she was fat and cute, always felt like everyone hated her, little did she know that more people loved her" Luke said

"Like she was insecure or something?" Hugh asked

"Yea, you could put it that way" Luke nodded

"I could believe that though" Alex said, he recalled how those bullies were making fun of her the first time he met her.

"That's harsh" Luke chuckled

"Not that I agree with them just that I had an encounter with her bullies in school, I heard what they said about her, so I just put one and two together" Alex recalled

"Yes, she had bullies in school. I always try reporting them but the school authorities did nothing about it" Luke said

"Humans are more wicked than I thought" Ale
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