

Chapter fifty-one


Prince Thomas could still feel the unease that had taken over the group ever since I declared that one of them was definitely working for the enemy.

They had been shooting each other dirty looks and glances and being extra cautious of every single step that they took.

I sighed as I rested on a rock, I had not said that so that they would be at each other's backs with daggers but simply for them to be alert.

No need to cry over spilt milk and nothing could be done to repair the broken trust, I had to admit that I hadn't let my guard down for a moment since I realized it.

My mate had been taken carrying our pup-as if the situation wasn't helpless enough there was a rat in their midst that could be reporting their every move to the enemy.

The enemy probably had my mate in their territory.

My hands crashed into the wall next to me, what kind of inhumane torture was Brenda enduring now all because of my stupidity?

I should have just trusted he
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