
Chapter 49

Mariya was panting, the scenery was the same as ever when she was on the Rice Field.

This scene, she saw the girl talking to her Grandma, and the Grandma...look so much familiar!

She covered her mouth while tears falling. “What... What was happening, Grandma?”

Then the girl shaken, asked the Grandma with pained voice, “You were telling me it was because of you? You dare wronged our connection, just because of a mere curse?!”

“It wasn't just a curse,” Grandma was nervous, she wasn't able to predict the girl to be this stubborn. The Grandma hold the girl hand, said on a soft voice, “Your parents was connected to each other, yet what do you think will happened next? Love should win, not just because of some sort of connection, my Granddaughter!”

The girl could only close her understanding, “No, we were connected by Fate! How could you stopped that from happening?”

“Aren't you even listened?” The Grandma lose her poised, yet her voice was always soft. “Have you not heard about Werew

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