
Chapter 59

“Happy birthday!” her grandma greet her with a smile in face, her right eyes feel as if alive once more. But Mariya know it isn't.

“B-birthday...” her whisper to herself as she look around, realizing how she almost forgot the day, her birthday?

Her grandma prepare everything she have never received in her life, atleast that what she believe. She have no recollection of what life is before they move to the house in the hills.

It's been so many years, yet it feel just yesterday.

She tried to give her grandma a big and warm smile but her face say it all, she can't do that for some unknown reason. She feel bothered for something, as if she was trapped in this place and couldn't actually escape?

She hugged her Grandma as if she was longing for her, as if it's been awhile that she do such a thing. Yet she know, she's been doing it almost a seconds when she saw her Grandma, her way to say she care for her.

“Thank you, grandma...” she shyly said, looked down to the floor.

“My, my! Why

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