
Chapter 451

Lucas was stunned!

Sebastian turned his head and saw dozens of military jeeps charging into the Carlton Manor, accompanied by a large force of nearly a thousand fully armed soldiers!

What caught his attention the most was their attire. It was not the usual combat gear; rather, they were clad in dragons. Each suit was adorned with a golden dragon emblem on the chest and shoulders.

They were the Draco Troops soldiers!

At that moment, Lucas' face turned pale. Hispupils dilated as he stared at the nearly thousand Draco Troops soldiers!

Why were they at Carlton Manor?

This was the undefeated legion renowned for their unparalleled victories on the battlefield, the invincible force under Commander Draco Kolt!

They were capable of crushing armies of 500 thousand from eight nations!

But why were they suddenly at Carlton Manor? Shouldn't they be stationed at the border, guarding against potential threats?

Before Lucas could react, what he saw next sent shivers down his spine, filling
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