
Chapter 57-Stop making pasta damn you Mr. Clemonte!

Amberleigh slept in the next day. When she finally did drag her ass towards the kitchen, it was nearing three p.m., and the penthouse had been completely transformed. The party planner Estella and her crew had certainly been busy while Amber had drooled and snored half the day away.

The joint first resembled a walk through some creepy ass woods starting at the front door. Tall, real as fuck looking twisted trees bent together to form a thick, canopy beneath which guest would ascend towards the sitting room. Fog machines were strategically hidden inside these foam husks, and when the sun went down, they would add an eerie mist enshrouding the guest’s feet along the path.

This twisted road of trees led partygoers directly to the sitting room, which now resembled the front of a dark castle. Like a Goth or vampire’s wet dream come to life behind those black, stone looking doors. The room had really come together from the night before. Along with the caged creatures, dragon fountain, and
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