
Chapter Thirty One

Noah's Pov

I turned the final bend, reaching my house within minutes. Eliana was already asleep, her soft snores filling the silent car. I know I promised myself not to touch her again, but she was practically begging me to. Her gown was barely leaving anything to imagination, her perfect tits practically spilling out from the material

My cock pulsed. How long would I live like this? I wanted her, painfully so. But having her would open a new can of worms no one wanted to deal with.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing thoughts. I couldn't afford to lose control. I parked the car and gently shook Eliana awake. She stirred, blinking drowsily up at me.

"We're home," I said softly, helping her out of the car.

She leaned against me, her body warm and soft. I had to resist the urge to bury my face in her hair and inhale her sweet scent.

I led her to her room, barely opened the door when she ran straight to the restroom, the sounds of her vomiting filled the air. I hesita
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