


“I hate it here,” I whisper as I get into the car after leaving my last meeting of the day.

“Well, at least that’s it for the day, you need to call Nikki, she’s worried about you,” Charles says as she hands over my phone.

“Charles what did I tell you? If she calls my phone, you give it to me,”

Charles give me the oh no you didn’t look, and I quickly apologize.

“I didn’t want you getting distracted okay, I need to leave this country and go start a new life somewhere,”

“So, you’re leaving the country with me?”

“Where you go, I go, we are best friends after all and besides we both know we cant be apart from each other too long before we start losing it,”

I laugh, “I feel sorry for our partners,”

Charles laughs, “Honestly, they’ll get used to it.”

I look out the window and see Damien on the phone, he looks worried and my runs to Chantel. Guilt washes over me and I look at Charles, he looks clueless, he’s already catching up on what he missed in the tabloids.

Damien ends h
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