
Chapter 40.

One week Later.

Viola was adapting well. Well, as well as she could. At least Kristen had been helpful with her classes, because she had been completely clueless about them. Avalonian history, Avalonian politics, defense class, magic class etc were all very strange to her no matter how hard she tried to understand them. She just wasn't used to learning them.

Sydney mentioned something about her getting a personal guide, also known as a dux. Someone that will help her with her books and studying. It was a great idea! She knew she was definitely going to need help with everything, especially with her being a new student with no knowledge of her being a werewolf.

She was at least learning to adapt with her environment, Kristen her roommate had been very helpful to say the least and a few girls around the dorm had approached her quite a few times.

She was walking to towards the Quadrangle which had become her new favourite place when she saw Cor

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