
Please don't stop

His fingers then slid inside me, finding my entrance and massaging it slowly. I whimpered when he entered me completely. He kept his finger in there for several more seconds before withdrawing it slightly.

"Please don't stop," I begged quietly.

Roman grinned and moved one hand from my face and began to pull his finger out of me while still keeping his finger inside me. He repeated the process for a couple of times before pulling his finger completely out of me.

Once it was out he moved his other hand to my pussy and started rubbing vigorously, hitting me with multiple jolts of pleasure. I let out a quiet moan before closing my eyes and reaching my head back against the pillows, enjoying the sensations coursing through my body.

I felt a sharp sting from being penetrated and opened my eyes to see a red mark already forming on my abdomen. I looked at Roman and he gave me a wink before lowering himself back down to kiss me again. His lips moved against mine, taking control as he kissed
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