
Chapter 56: The Replacement Ring

Chapter 56: The Replacement Ring

Faith’s P.O.V

The feeling of someone’s fingers tracing my skin was the first thing that woke me up…the second being the soft kiss they planted to the base of my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

“Morning.” Brandon’s voice was husky, rough…and it brushed against my senses in all the right ways.

Groggily, I opened my eyes to his room, the curtains all closed up to prevent even a single ray of light from entering his room. “Is it morning already?” I asked him sleepily, my voice all but a hoarse whisper.

The room was still dark, even though there was some light that perforated the curtains, allowing me to see the contents of the room. The vanity was on the other side of the room and the wardrobe right next to it. I think the color scheme was blue, but with the lights down so low, I couldn’t really tell if it was actually a dark green or blue.

“Ummhmmm…” Brandon made a rumbling sound in his chest, that I felt throughout my body since his chest was press
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