

Precious reached the door of the dorm, she slid down till her butt hit the ground and sat on the ground as silently began to cry. " Why do I care about him, why did I even go to the hospital all for him", She asked herself questions as she cried. She haven't feel so sad as this ever in her life. She closed her mouth as she silently continued to cry, non stop. She couldn't stop thinking of him and imagining him by her side. She knew she missed him so much even though she doesn't wants to go back to him after what he did to her.

"Love", Precious heard Sonya from behind and stood up as she turned to look at her. " You love him Precious", She vest her two hands on her shoulder and said.

Precious quickly cleaned the tears from her eyes as she tried to hide her face from Sonya. "How, how do you know that i am here?"

"First of all, you don't have to hide your sad face from me, I have already heard toy crying from inside, so I came outside to check on you", Sonya said and Precious quickly eng
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