


"I hope so. Daddy said I should greet you, he misses us and he's gonna be sending more trained guys as students in the school" I tell him

"Cool. Hope this works out great, how do you plan on killing him?" He asked. I smiled at him, he looks scared at my smile. "Hannah, what are you thinking?" He asked. If only he knew.

Hannah's POV

The sound of my heels were the only sound in the night as I walked towards a small apartment. I looked behind me to see if I was being followed but no one was. I did the signature knock. After a few seconds, the door open a guy of probably late twenties stood there.

He let me in, I walked around the small house. My eyes set on...... Seth? "Seth?" I called.

"Well, if it isn't my favorite niece....." He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug, I hug him back.

"I missed you so much, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Your Dad told me everything" I forgot he was a government spy and a professor. "I'm ready to help" he said. He didn't look at me
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