
Chapter 004

"You have a lot of time right now," Raven said as she entered my condo.


Yes, I was living alone when I left our mansion house, and then I was just like a lost soul. No one notices; no one talks. No one wants to see or even breathe me; maybe they don't want to.


I didn't come home when Meriam had a welcome party. Apart from the amount of work I teach the new visor, I'm also too lazy to see her, and I'm jealous of how Mom looks at her and admires her.


"Someone is already doing my work," I answered simply.

"Why don't you go home to your mansion? Don't you miss them?" she asked one after another.


"They didn't remember me; why should I remember them?" I answered and just took my phone and checked for updates.

The day passed, and we just hung out here in my condo.




"Hey, Bobitaaa!" Raven shouted, throwing a pillow at me.


"Whaaaat?" I shouted irritatedly.


"You're smiling while texting on your phone. Who's talking? Do you have a boyfriend?" she shouted at me while coming closer to me.


To my surprise, I was suddenly able to avoid my cellphone.


"Wooow, you're hiding someone from me now, Aira Jen." She raised her eyebrows as she was meowing in front of me.


"It's nothing. Don't overthink. That's just Yelo updating and telling a story," I answered.


"Yello? As in, Ice? Who's that?" she asked in great surprise.

"The supervisor," I simply answered.


"How many months have you been talking?" he asked curiously.


"Of course it's been a long time. 3 months? 2 months? I don't know." I didn't have an answer in mind.

"So your talking night and day? Out of work hours?" she was able to ask again.


"Yeah" was the simple answer.


"So you are in love with him?" he asked next.


"Ye-hmm, noo. Of course not!" was my defense.


"Okaaaay, you said it," he answered simply.

I just continued scrolling through social media. It only happens once, so I'll make the most of it.


About them?


Dad has called many times, but I have no intention of answering right now. Like my brother, I don't want attention from social media. Left and right comparisons between our siblings.


Raven also did not say when they would return to the U.S., but I have no intention of finding out either. Right now, I'm focusing on myself and the businesses I'm going to build.


"Hi, finished work. Where are you?" I read the text from my supervisor.


"Condo with Raven" was my simple reply.


Since Ice worked at the company, everything became easier for me. I had a lot of time for myself and other things. When I was running the company alone, I was getting stressed from left to right.

I didn't treat my employees differently. I have three employees in the store and another head manager who pays wages and handles and budgets the company's financial statements.


I need a supervisor to handle the various suppliers, designs, and locations and materials of the other branches that I need to build.


"I need to go," Raven said out of nowhere.


I just said goodbye to him and started cleaning and taking care of myself.




My phone rang; that's why I stopped what I was doing and picked up the phone.


"Yes?" I answered the phone without seeing who was calling.


"You said we were going out today after work, but you didn't reply. What's wrong?" he said on the phone.


"I'm sorry I forgot. Give me 30 minutes to fix myself and I'll be there in our favorite spot. I'm sorry. I love you," I said hurriedly and hung up the phone.


I didn't wait for his answer.


I know him.


In a month of us being 'on, I won't feel like I'm weird. He chose me even though we were far apart in life. This is also one of the reasons why I don't want to come home to us because I haven't told him what kind of family I have.


I knew that day would come, but I just needed some time to tell him everything.


I took a taxi; I didn't bring a car anymore because, when we were together, I wasn't rich and I wasn't a CEO. It was with him that I experienced real life outside the golden walls of the palace. This is the life I want; this is the life I dreamed of.


No one really cares. No judgmental eyes were watching. My own mistake, my own solution.


I arrived at our favorite spot, but he wasn't there. I can't even see his shadow. No matter where he came from, I can't see anything.


I tried to call him, but there was no answer. I tried to text, but I got no reply. I waited a few more minutes.


There are so many things running through my mind. There are many reasons, but I will remain complacent. I know him, and I know he has a reason.


But what if he knew my whole family?


What if he doesn't accept my past?



I screamed to myself, and I was crying loudly at the same time as the heavy rain was gradually getting wet all over my body, and I felt that it was also gradually destroying my personality.

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