
Twenty Six

River peered down at Brielle with a boyish grin, finding his antics rather amusing. “It’s fine, Bri. Don’t be embarrassed.”

If looks could kill, River would have been burnt to a pile of ashes on the floor by now. “He’s lying.” Brielle politely insisted to the barista, whilst secretly giving River a forceful nudge in the side of his ribs.

River tutted as he draped his arm around Brielle’s shoulder, sending a shudder down her spine from the connection of his skin. “Does this look like the face of a guy who would lie?” He asked the barista innocently.

The lady behind the counter gawked at the duo, not being entirely sure what to make of the whole interaction.

Brielle shoved River’s arm off her shoulders, whilst flashing the barista an innocent smile. “I’m going to kill you.” She muttered quietly so only River could hear.

River waved his hand, dismissing what Brielle had said. “Don’t mind her, she’s working through some issues right now.”

River leaned closer to the counter whilst bringing
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