
49. Makeout

Hooriya took her time getting ready. She wore the red dress that she bought with Shiza. The neckline was deep so she covered herself properly with a veil.

Hooriya applied mascara and stared at the red lipstick for a second too long before she decided to apply it. Her cheeks were naturally rosy as she combed her wavy dark brown locks as they cascaded down her back. Contemplating once again she applied kohl to her eyes. She looked pretty and it was kind of obvious she had put the effort into getting ready tonight.

There was no such occasion and nothing. She just felt like getting ready and looking pretty.

For Hamza.

The voice inside her head spoke and she instantly shook her head. It wasn't like that. She bought the dress so she was wearing it as simple as that.

Of course, the voice mused as Hooriya rolled her eyes at herself and left the room.

She helped the staff in cooking dinner and setting the table.

Aunt Batool came and a wide smile graced her lips as she stared at Hooriya. "Mash
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