
61. Trusting God


Darkness loomed over him as he tried to breathe but couldn't and yet he felt pretty much alive. He blinked rapidly but not an ounce of light graced his eyes.

Pitch darkness surrounded him. The floor beneath him was black and cold. He was barefoot as he stepped forward then another. He continued to walk nonstop but it was like he was swirling in circles in a never-ending hole of nothingness.

Why was he here? Hamza was muddled. Nothing made sense. What was this place? How did he get there?

In all the confusion. A scene flashed in front of his eyes and he froze.


Hoor lay in the pool of her blood, lifeless.

"HOOR!" A scream tore through his lips as he jerked up on the hospital bed. His eyes were wide as sweat trickled down his temple.

"Hamza," His head whipped to his right where Hafsa was sitting on the chair. Her eyes brimmed with tears. He looked at his sister for any injuries and she was fine.

His eyes bounced around the ward in hysteria and there was no sight of H
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