
Chapter 116 Competitions Between Wife-slave and Sister-con

When Cui Pengrui was about to leave, Yun Muxi blushed and stopped him. "Hey, please don't go, Dr. Cui."

Cui Pengrui turned around. "I just came to give you a routine examination."

Gong Yu said faintly, "Okay. Do you job then."

Cui Pengrui went over to the bed and performed a detailed check on Yun Muxi.

"Dr. Cui, how is she?" asked Murong Ye, who had just entered the room with a plate full of foods in his hands.

Cui Pengrui hung the stethoscope around his neck and said slowly, "Her fever has gone, her pneumonia is also under control, and her slight concussion is all fine. Don't worry too much about it."

After saying that, Cui Pengrui saw Gong Yu and Murong Ye less worried and could not help glancing at Yun Muxi.

Murong Ye put the plate on the table beside Yun Muxi's bed and said to her, "Get up and have some foods first. You will have to take medicine later."

Seeing Yun Mux

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