
Chapter 43


“Remind me again why we’re outside in the snow?” Taryn asks, her arms crossed against the wind, her body bundled up in a dark green down coat, a tan satin lined beanie with flecks of color — like little sprinkles on a cupcake — atop her head to protect her braids.

“Because it’s Winter Wonderland Day,” I reply.

And because I need you out of the guest suite while hospitality sets up everything for the rest of our day.

“But it’s a snowstorm.”

“Oh, come on, Cadet. It’s not that bad right now!” I say, looking around at the heavy snowfall.

Okay, so it may be coming down a little harder than just a regular snowy day, even for us as shifters. Especially for someone who came from Southern California and is used to beaches and temperate weather. But my little warrior looks so cute with her grumpy face and puffy jacket and with snowflakes dusting the lengths of her braids.

She just stares at me, then turns on her heel and starts towards the house. But I grab her hand and snap her
Allie Carstens

Thank you for your patience with the update today! My husband and I spent some time with some friends from college so I was away from my computer for most of the day. But I hope you enjoyed Reid's "Winter Wonderland Day!" Lots of love, Allie

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Allie Carstens
You can search for my g r o u p for more info
goodnovel comment avatar
Can’t wait to add it to my shelf
goodnovel comment avatar
Allie Carstens
It will be and book one already is.

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