
05 She Said Yes for the Money

Emily straightened her posture, her brows furrowed. "Issac," she began, "I've always been utterly weary of the gatherings your family holds. I won't be attending your family banquet anymore."

Issac was puzzled. "But aren't you the one who loves these parties? You spend hours choosing outfits and arranging your appearance before every event, and you always voluntarily stay until the very last guest has left."

Emily scoffed. "None of that was ever by choice. Your parents insisted that I become the best possible assistant to you, worthy of your status. They demanded that I attend each gathering in my best attire and act as the hostess until the last guest departs."

A look of bewilderment filled Issac's eyes, as if he had never heard about these stringent demands Emily had faced in their marriage.

Hearing the silence on the other end of the line, Emily didn't feel like explaining further. "I am currently seeking a divorce lawyer. I don't wish to deceive anyone anymore. So, I won't be attending your family gatherings as your wife anymore."

"But Emily, we were good before. Why the sudden need for divorce?" Issac finally addressed the elephant in the room.

To Emily's surprise, it seemed that Issac had no clue about the troubles in their marriage. "Issac, I never intended to interfere with you and Cici. I married you entirely for Victor's medical bills."

Issac was confused. "There's nothing between Cici and me. I'm just grateful to her for saving my life. Plus, she's your sister. You want her to be happy too, don't you?"

Emily sighed, "No, Cici's matters have nothing to do with me. Goodbye."

Just as Emily was about to hang up, she heard Issac's voice from the phone, "Wait! Wait!"

"What is it, Issac?"

"You need money, don't you? You need money to pay for Victor's medical expenses."


"If you accompany me to the family gathering today, I am willing to pay you for your time."

"How much are we talking about?"

"How much does Victor need?"

"15.4 million dollars."

There was silence on the other end of the line.

"Well, if you think that's too much, I can..."

"How about $10,000 per hour? A three-hour party, I'll give you $30,000, in cash."


Emily initially assumed she would need to pay hefty for a divorce lawyer to squeeze any money out of Issac's pocket. She didn't expect it to be this easy. Emily had just declared that she would absolutely not attend any more parties, but for money, she was willing to make an exception.

Issac continued, "I noticed you didn't take any of your gowns with you. If you need one, you can come home anytime."

Emily offered a slight smile. "No, I can handle it."

She hung up the phone, waking June, who was still sleeping soundly beside her. "I need you. Help me with my makeup."

June opened her eyes groggily, clearly unaware of what was happening. "Makeup? Now?" June's voice was filled with sleepiness.

Emily nodded, excitedly saying, "Yes, I have an important gathering to attend, but I didn't bring any suitable clothes with me. I need to look like a real lady of status."

June instantly woke up, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Wow, Emily, I've always dreamed of doing a makeover! We have a lot of work to do."

She jumped off the couch, quickly opening the wardrobe. One by one, beautiful gowns were revealed to Emily.

"My God, June, these dresses are beautiful! How did you get them? Are they designer brands?"

"Oh, no, this is just a recent hobby of mine."

"My God, you made these yourself!?"

"Yes, if necessary, I can even make a new dress right away."

"Oh my God, I'm so lucky! June!"

The two stood in front of the narrow wardrobe. June pulled out dress after dress, each one vibrant and in various styles.

Emily tried them on one by one. With each change, June gave her advice. The two twirled in front of the mirror, trying to make Emily look as much like a lady of status as possible.

June looked at Emily as she slipped into a black velvet gown, her hair elegantly twisted into a bun at the nape of her neck, and let out a long sigh. "Emily," she said, "has life been hard for you these past few years?"

Emily blinked in surprise. "Is it that obvious?"

June tenderly touched Emily's bare shoulder. "The moment you put on that dress, you seemed so weary."

"That's because you haven't done my makeup yet!"

"You're right! I'll get my makeup bag right away."

Successfully steering the conversation away, Emily watched June dart around the cramped apartment, realizing she couldn't afford to wallow in her miserable past marriage any longer. Otherwise, she would gradually age and even wither away.

June meticulously applied makeup to Emily. The exquisite eye makeup highlighted Emily's deep gaze, and the vibrant lipstick made her lips particularly tempting. Her skin looked vibrant under the foundation. The entire makeup look, under June's skilled hands, was enough to make Emily the center of attention in any setting.

June fastened a sparkling zirconia necklace around Emily's neck. The gems, rivaling diamonds, twinkled under the light, as dazzling as Emily's unique charm. At this moment, Emily was beautiful, elegant, and full of confidence.

Looking at Emily in the mirror, June nodded in satisfaction. "You look absolutely stunning, Emily. Are you ready to be the belle of the banquet?"

Emily took a deep breath and nodded firmly. "I'm ready. More than ready to earn my thirty thousand dollars!"

The grand mansion of the Lloyd family sat atop the highest hill in the city, overlooking the entire cityscape. Known for its luxury and grandeur, it had become a symbol of the city. When Emily pulled up to the front door of the Lloyd mansion in a shiny Ferrari, the attendants looked at her in awe. One cautiously took the Ferrari keys from her hand, and another ushered her into the foyer.

A colossal crystal chandelier hung in the center of the foyer, its light reflected off the crystals, illuminating the entire room. The walls were adorned with various precious artworks and sculptures; every detail exuded the host's wealth and taste.

Emily thought, in the past, all these details were arranged by her. But now, after leaving the Lloyd house, everything was running in its normal order. Did this mean that she was just a replaceable cog in the machinery of the Lloyd family?

The party had already commenced. Men in suits held glasses of expensive red wine, while ladies, dazzling in their glamorous evening gowns, wore diamonds in their hair. They conversed and laughed, filling the grand hall with the sound of their chatter.

As Emily entered the hall, all eyes were drawn to her. Her appearance was like a bright star, instantly illuminating the entire hall. Her beauty and poise were impossible to ignore. Her serene smile incited envy among the ladies present.

In one corner of the hall, an orchestra played elegant symphonies. The music permeated the air, adding an elegant atmosphere to the luxurious banquet. Under the accompaniment of the music, people began to dance, filling the hall with laughter and the light sound of dancing feet.

But not everyone welcomed Emily. From the crowd emerged a blonde girl in a pure white lace gown, her small and pointed nose aimed straight at the ceiling.

Emily thought to herself: Here it comes.

The girl tightly grabbed Emily's wrist.

"Emily, I heard you're about to be thrown out of the house by Issac?"

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