

Kylian's POV

"The conference room is right, this way." One of her workers was telling me as he walked me towards her office. I felt ridiculous to be excited, to finalize the terms that would get me my inheritance, which was supposed to be mine, as the oldest son.

I strolled down the hallway to Yvonne's office, looking forward to seeing her. I had her right where I wanted her and knew my presence would make her anxious.

“Good morning, Mr. Litt. Everyone’s in the conference room,” the secretary said, pointing across the hall.

“Thank you,” I said with my charming smile and headed for the door. When I walked in, although I had already been told everyone was

waiting, I was still a little surprised to see both lawyers and Yvonne already there. She stood to greet me with a friendly smile. I walked to her and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. She didn’t flinch at all, which surprised me a little. I noticed the slight blush she was trying to hide. She could pretend all she wanted, but I had an effect on her.

“Have a seat.” She gestured to an empty chair. I noticed she kept her seat at the head of the table.

“I’ve reviewed the paperwork and it is ready for you to sign,” my attorney said, sliding a contract in front of me.

“Really?” I asked, surprised that everything seemed to be locked down. “I’ve already agreed to the terms and I'm prepared to sign. I’ve had my attorney add all the necessary details we agreed to,” she said.

I nodded my head. “All the terms have been agreed upon?” “Yes,” she said with a confident smile.

We were having a conversation between the two of us with the lawyers having no real idea what was happening.

“Has it been outlined in the contract?” I asked her.

Her eyes darted to the two lawyers. “I’ve had the pertinent details added.”

I nodded, trusting her to have kept my secret. “Great.”

“We’re only waiting on you. Is there anything you’d like to change?” she asked in a sweet voice, while my eyes went to the contract.

“I’d like a minute to review, if you don’t mind?” I asked in a smooth voice.

She smiled. “Of course, by all means.”

The room was completely silent as my eyes skimmed the paperwork. It was all as I had offered. I noticed the clause outlining she would stay on as CEO had been added. There was nothing about a fake marriage, which I had almost expected to see. A devious person would have had me signing something that could incriminate me and cost me everything, but I didn’t see anything in the paperwork that was out of place.

I grabbed the pen out of my pocket and signed the paper. “Your turn.” She took the paperwork and signed her name. I sat a little stunned by

how easy it all had been. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for someone to burst through the door shouting they got me. I looked back at her and saw her smiling with satisfaction. She was truly that desperate to keep her CEO position?

“I believe we have a deal,” Raphael announced.

Yvonne smiled. “I guess we do. It’s been great doing business with you all. I look forward to a successful venture.”

I nodded. “I do as well.”

“I meet with my investors on Friday. I would appreciate you being present for that meeting. They’ll want to meet the new owner of the company and will likely have some questions and concerns they’d like to address with you,” she said smoothly.

I nodded. “I’ll clear my schedule.”

“Great! Well, I think we’re done here!” she said with a cheery smile.

I reached out and put my hand on hers. “I’d like a minute of your time to go over some minor details if you don’t mind.”

She looked at me and nodded. “Sure. Thank you all for coming and I trust you guys will take care of all the filings and legal stuff?” she said, looking at the lawyers and effectively dismissing them.

Both lawyers nodded and left the conference room, closing the door behind them. I waited a few seconds to make sure one of them didn’t come back in for one reason or another.

“Thank you for making that so easy,” I told her.

“I’m the CEO of my company. It’s all I wanted.”

I nodded. “Then I can announce our engagement?”

She gulped, and I could see her suddenly very nervous. I was not about to let her back out.

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