

"Do you want to know the truth?"

"Yes I do"

"Of course I have suspected Jason but then Valerie denied everything so what do you want me to do?"

"Get to the bottom of it all"

"And do you honestly take me for a fool Lisa? Of course I am going to get to the bottom of everything" Lucio paused as the waiter walked up to their table to take their order and depart.

"What exactly do you plan to do?"

"I already Jason out for a drink"

Lisa chuckles. She had thought Lucio was smarter than this. "What exactly are you thinking? That he will tell the truth right there, don't deceive yourself because he is never telling the truth"


"Jason Brown is never telling the truth so what better plan do you have?"

"I'm not a fool Lisa, of course I am aware that he may lie just as he did the other day but don't even think that I won't observe his body language"

"Is that all?" Lisa was not happy nor impressed, she was hoping that he would say something else that would make her baffled and not the other
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