


“Okay, tell everyone I'm on my way I will be at the Company in a jiffy,” He hung up tucking his phone in his jacket suit pocket as he heaved a sigh then he looked out the window, with the look on his face I could tell he is far away in his dreamland.

Could it be that he lost a deal? Or maybe his company has been in the tank lately? He seemed to be lively a moment ago, but all of a sudden he is just sitting quietly like a log of wood, far away in his thoughts. Well, why am I even bothering myself, here we are going to his company and whatever it is, it will come to light.

“Are you okay?” his calm voice came through and I looked at him, his orbs staring at me.

I forced a smile looking at him, “I am okay,” nodding my head.

“But you seem to be worried lately.”

“No, I just sat quietly, no issues.”

I am the one who is supposed to ask you if you are okay, you were cool a moment ago and you went silent. From the expression I noticed on your face you seemed to be thinking ab
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