
Chapter 36


I blinked, and the world slowly came into focus. The harsh, bright light flooded the room, seeping into my eyes like acid.

I instinctively threw my arm up, shielding my face from the intrusive brightness.

This was not where I had fallen asleep. The walls were not the grey hue of Anthony's bedroom, but instead stark white, making the room feel sterile and unwelcoming.

My eyes trailed down to my hand, which was connected to a small tube that snaked up to a bag of clear liquid hanging above me.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in a hospital ward.

Panic seized me as I tried to sit up, but a sharp, stabbing pain shot through my head, making me groan out loud.

The stench of the hospital hit me like a wall as I took a deep breath.

The scent of antiseptic mixed with the sickly-sweet aroma of decay made my nose wrinkle in disgust.

I couldn't remember how I had ended up here, but a deep sense of unease settled in my gut.

My eyes darted around the room, searching f
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