
Chapter 58


I was at the pharmacy unit at the hospital to get the anxiety drugs prescribed by my doctor when I saw an unconscious Maxwell being wheeled into the intensive care unit.

Beside him, clutching her chest, was Mariella, her eyes swollen with tears

I wondered what was wrong with him. He looked fine the last time I saw him at the mall.

Mariella was being really dramatic about the whole thing.

Some things never change. Forever the attention seeker.

I didn't want her to see me and wasn't in the mood for any confrontation. So I pretended not to see her, holding my phone to my ear as if I was receiving a call and walked fast towards my car.

“Nicole! Nicole!” I heard my name out of nowhere and stopped abruptly on my toes.

I stopped suddenly, standing on my tiptoes. Slowly, I turned to face her. She was coming towards me with her hands in her pockets, making a big show of it.

A sly smile played across her face as she gave me a barely noticeable wave. Every fiber of my being yearned to w
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