

The doctor cleared me for discharge that same day but Russell didn’t seem to agree with the doctor’s decision. Apparently, he seemed to think that he knew more than the professional when it came to matters of health.

‘”Are you sure she doesn’t need to spend at least a night? She clearly needs to rest some more and if it’s about the money, you know I have that all under control.”

“Well, I suppose she could spend the night if you want.” the doctor replied. “It would be helpful, but its not essential. You just need to make sure that she is constantly hydrated and well rested, and everything should be back to normal.”

“What? I can’t do that.” I argued stubbornly. “I need to go to work tomorrow. I can’t spend the night here. I have to go home.”

“If you think I’m going to let you go to work tomorrow after everything you’ve been through today, then maybe you need to be admitted for a couple more days.”

“But I…”

“No buts Lisa.” Russell stated firmly.”Rest well today and tomorrow, and maybe th
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