
The Accident

Nature's fury poured forth with unrelenting force, battering the world outside. The deafening rumble of thunder echoed through the sky, drowning out all other sounds. Thick, dark clouds rolled in and swallowed the once-clear blue sky. With each crash of lightning, shadows danced across the pavement below. As the rain began to pelt down on the streets, people scurried for cover, their steps quickening as they searched for any available shelter. The angry downpour was a catalyst for chaos, causing heavy traffic to clog the bustling streets of New York City. Cars honked impatiently, and pedestrians huddled under awnings, seeking refuge from the relentless deluge. The cityscape was transformed into a watery canvas, streaked with vibrant hues and blurred shapes as the rain continued to pour down upon it.

As the first drops of rain pattered against the window, old Mr. Knight sat inside the room, lost in thought. The rain quickly escalated into a fierce downpour, its rhythmic beat echoing th
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