

Ava let out a whimper as she felt Sebastian's hardness directly against her core. A shudder traveled up.her spine then wracked through her entire body causing her to buck her hips against him.

They both groaned at the feeling of pleasure that coursed through their veins through that one action.

Sebastian gritted his teeth, torn between tearing himself away from her arms and yanking off her panties. However in a moment of indecision, Ava bucked her hips against him again, wanting to feel that thrill of pleasure it gave her again.

"Feels good?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"So good," she whimpered, grinding her core against him harder. His hands moved between them, slipped beneath the thin fabric of her panties and slowly captured her wetness.

Fuck me, he thought with a groan. She was sopping wet. So fucking wet.

"More," Ava pleaded, her lips parted sensually and her blue eyes were hooded when she looked up at him.

Sebastian happily obliged. His free hand grabbed her hips to pi
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