
Carrying Heath

Aurora stamped out the campfire, reclaimed her shirt, tore it into strips, and wrapped them around the wound on his shoulder, temporarily stopping the bleeding.

Exhausted and sweating profusely from her efforts, Aurora had also been injured, having taken a beating from a group of men. But she couldn't rest.

Though the fire was out, the smoke had already drifted away. If someone saw it and followed, they would be doomed.

Taking a deep breath, Aurora hoisted Heath onto her back and pressed forward. Despite his tall, lean frame, the 6'1" man was surprisingly heavy. Even for Aurora, accustomed to carrying weights, he was a burden.

Heath, in a daze, opened his eyes and murmured, "Rory..." looking at the back of Aurora's head.

"I'm here," Aurora reassured him, pulling him up, "I'm here, honey."

Heath passed out again. Aurora had seen the bruises and wounds covering

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