
Chapter 18

Every fibre of his lean, powerful body on sexual alert, Alejandro thrust his plate away. Finally he had her full attention and his predatory reaction was instinctive: to take immediate advantage. He reached for her hand. ‘Let’s go...’ he urged huskily.

‘But we haven’t finished,’ she framed shakily.

Alejandro used his strength to inexorably tug her upright. His smouldering gaze gripped hers with a sensual force that made her knees tremble. ‘We haven’t even begun, my lady.’

The buzz of conversation around them died. Selena was conscious of the stares as Alejandro escorted her out, an arm possessively closed to her slim back. Her colour was high, her legs as weak as twigs. Without warning she found herself wondering if he had been with any other woman while he’d been away and a hollow sensation filled her tummy. He tucked her into the limo, got in beside her and pulled her to him. A heartbeat later the hungry driving heat of his mouth was on hers and a blaze as hot as an indoor sun was c
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