

As they drive away, the tension starts to dissipate, and Jake can't help but laugh, "I never thought I'd be the star of a soap opera drama." Madeline, holding the fake necklace, replies with a smirk, "You nailed it, Jake. Now, let's focus on getting this necklace to Ashton and figuring out our next move." They head towards Madeline home to drop off Daniel. As Daniel steps out of the car, Madeline follows him to the front door of her home. The night is alive with a mixture of adrenaline and relief after their daring necklace heist. Gratitude fills Madeline's eyes as she turns to Daniel, expressing her thanks. "Daniel, seriously, thank you for being a part of this. We couldn't have done it without you." Daniel grins, brushing off the formality. "Hey, it was an unexpected adventure. Fun, actually. Just be careful, alright? And if you ever need help again, you know where to find me." Daniel hugs her and Madeline hesitates for a moment, caught in the sincerity of his words. However, before
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