

How indifferent Gerald is to her now. To the point that her husband never met her at all. And of course Veronica didn't like the attitude shown by Gerald. He also questioned where the love that Gerald used to always say was. You crocodile.

“Wait a minute, Fran. I really don't understand what you are saying.” Gerald said. While holding back a sigh because of Yuna's actions, she was kissing his jaw to the tip of his chest. His young wife had really turned into a woman who was hungry for sex.

“Don't tell me your crotch brain is back. So up until now your only job has been having sex. So forget Bianca. Your wife. And don't say that right now, Yuna is pressing on your body!" Frans shouted. Unilaterally mute the call. He didn't think that Gerald could change like before.

"How is it, Hubby?" Veronica asked quickly. When he saw Frans who was in an emotional state.

Frans took a deep breath. “Let's play with Vanya. So that my brain can return to normal." Pushing Veronica's wheelchair into the l
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