

"What should I do?" Bianca ran her fingers through her hair. Why did the long-awaited child have to come so soon? Gerald might choose to stay with Yuna instead.

No, that wouldn't happen. Bianca corrected her appearance once more. Perhaps tomorrow morning, she would talk to Gerald and convey Yuna's message. That Yuna was pregnant with her child. One thing Bianca was certain of: Gerald would be happy.

Not knowing when Gerald would come home, Bianca sat in front of the couch Gerald had been sleeping on. She wanted to wait for him to wake up, with the pregnancy test kit in her hand.

Gerald's eyes blinked open as sunlight peeped through the window curtains. He massaged his temples, feeling a painful throbbing in his head.

"You're finally awake," Bianca said.

Seeing Bianca in front of him, Gerald let out a heavy sigh. He wasn't ready to face his wife.

Instead of responding, Gerald got up and left the room. But before he could fully exit, Bianca spoke again.

"Yuna is pregnant."

Gerald's step
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