
I’ll always be with you

Sofie's POV

"Fuck, no." I cursed in frustration as a guy abruptly breezed past me, causing me to drop my wallet on the floor which made everything inside it pour out on the floor.

"Hey, watch where you are going." I yelled after him but he didn't even bother to look in my direction.

Stupid brat, I seethed, darting his retreating back a glare before I averted my focus back to my wallet.

"Are you alright?" Katie asked, crouching down beside me and helping me grab my stuff from the floor.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I affirmed, getting up from the floor and dusting my wallet.

"Woah, you have a black card?" Katie gasped as I slid the plastic card into my wallet, and I just nodded in response as my thoughts strayed to Roman for the nth time that day.

It had been two days since his abrupt confession and I still couldn't bring myself to look at him because something within me thought I didn't deserve to be loved at all, much less by a handsome billionaire like him.

Even though I mostly replied to a
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