

Sofie's POV

"What do you think you are doing right now, Sofie?" Amy hollered, as she stormed into my room.

I sighed, as I calmly retrieved a suitcase from my wardrobe and placed it on the bed.

"What do you want, Amy? As you can see, I am organizing my clothes. I told you yesterday that I was leaving America, didn't I?" I scoffed.

I had decided to stick to my initial plans to move away from America when the contract engagement ended.

I wanted to live my life away from Roman.

It had been a week since I met him at the restaurant, to hand him the contract termination letter.

The daily basket of luxurious gifts had also stopped since last week.

Initially, I had thought I'd feel an immense sense of relief when they stopped but I couldn't help but feel a bit saddened.

Roman had looked so defiant when I told him I wanted out, but for the past couple of days, I hadn't even received a text from him.

Maybe he had gotten fed up with my antics, and ending things with me made him realize that he d
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