

Sofie's POV

"Why do you look so surprised to see me?" I scoffed, as Katie's eyes widened into the size of jugs.

I had decided to pay her an impromptu visit that day, because I was depressed and frustrated about my worsening relationship with Roman.

The memories of the night before still burned my memory like a fresh wound, and I didn't want to keep mulling over my sad thoughts.

It wasn't good for the baby.

"Because I am really surprised to see you! How did you even get my address?" She exclaimed, stepping out of the way to allow me in properly.

"You must have forgotten that you told me your address months ago, and I happen to have a very retentive memory." I said.

"This is a really nice surprise, Sofie. I must admit you took me completely off guard, don't mind the disorganized painting paraphernalia lying around. I paint during my free time, and I haven't really had the time to organize my instruments." She explained, as she grabbed the painting brushes and crumbled pieces of paper fr
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