
Men talk

"So what's up...did I miss anything?"Leo said, placing a bottle of champagne on Victor's desk and three glass cups. Of course, Victor's eyes had narrowed, not sure what was happening. Maverick too had that confused expression Victor had as both men fixed their eyes on Leo busy fighting to open the bottle was smiling like a fool without even minding the disdainful glares he was getting

"You know I always admired doctors when I was young"Leo started as he popped the champagne cheering on his own as the liquid rained on the table making Victor and Maverick move back

"So smart and hot and know that's what women think...male doctors are hot heros," Leo said pouring a single glass and then another until he filled three glasses with champagne

"Drinking in the afternoon is a bad idea...don't you have work to do, "Victor said when Leo handed him a glass stopping Leo mid as he shifted his gaze from Victor to Maverick and he wanted to laugh hard in fact he laughed as he set the g
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