
104. Ariana Isn't Like That

"Ariana is not like most women you know. She doesn't feel satisfied just because you praise her. You praise her and shower her with luxurious gifts. What Ariana needs is for you to prove to her that she's valuable. Don't you ever wonder why she gets angry when she sees you with Shelma in the office? Do you think she's angry because Shelma is affectionate with you?" Mrs. Rosaline asked. Gerald nodded. But then Mrs. Rosaline shook her head. "That's not what makes her angry. What makes her angry is your employees' comments that you and Shelma are a perfect match. What makes her angry is that people don't know who she really is. Shouldn't you have introduced Ariana to the public?

Gerald, the guests who came to your wedding only know that Karenina is your wife. And people in your company still see you as a single man. Women out there still see you as an eligible bachelor they can pursue. So, do you think Ariana feels secure in her position as your wife?

If I were Ariana, I wouldn't feel
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