
77. Keep Watch

Ariana then laughed. Not a happy laugh, but a hysterical one. In the end, the trust she had placed in Gerald was once again tarnished. Because the fact was, he didn't believe her at all.

It was clear that it wasn't Amber who would reveal the contents of Ariana and Karenina's conversation in her room yesterday. Ariana could be sure that Gerald must have hidden a listening device in his room. And that was why Gerald changed drastically afterward. Because he clearly heard what Ariana, Amber, and Karenina talked about that day.

So the sweet demeanor he had shown before and all his promises were just empty words. None of it came from his genuine remorse. It wasn't because he wanted to redeem his mistakes. Instead, it was all manipulation based on what he had heard. And Ariana didn't like that fact. She felt like she was being played.

Ariana looked at Axel; the boy seemed completely unfazed by his breakfast. She gently stroked Axel's head, making him look up. "Let's change your clothes,
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