


I was freaking out. Luca was staring at me like I was a cold bottle of water in a sunny desert, and I was sure I was doing the same. Maybe even looking more hungry.

I couldn't believe it. Too many things had happened in such a short time, I couldn't even put my thoughts together.

Could it be possible that Luca was feeling what I was feeling too? Could it? Was that why he'd hugged me back then?

No way.

Luca, still with the heated look in his eyes leaned down and gently pulled a wet strand of hair from my eyes and lifted the corner of his lips slightly when I squirmed.

Like squirmed like an idiot. Oh God. Just kill me now.

"I have a feeling that you want me, little girl," he said, his tone light an playful. Very unusual.

"I ... I ... What? No, I don't want you," I stuttered like a fool and then bit my tongue in frustration. Ugh. He always succeeded in making me look so stupid.

Luca chuckled shortly and then released my hair to cradle my cheek. The rain was falling
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