
CHAPTER 11: He's my boyfriend!


Why the hell were business functions and meetings invented? It was just an avenue to show off and run into people you despise. Anyway, I got settled in my seat as the function began while I had a mini-meeting with my partner and his wife. We were looking into investing in an agricultural company, which seemed more sensible before they switched and brought up the hydro-electrical project idea.

It wasn't a bad one. But, I wasn't looking at expanding my company considering my current state. Starting a new business was like giving birth. The procedures you go through in nurturing a newborn are what you apply to make a new business successful: groom, care, nurture, love, fight for, protect, and believe in it. And, it was best if you oversaw everything. That way, you could guide the path it took. Entrusting it to someone might not give you the satisfaction you crave when you see the result.

I bent over the table, the din of the busy restaurant fading into the background as I struggled to contain my anger. Repressing the urge to yell, I kept my voice low, fury dripping from the words. “What did you say? I’m sure I didn’t hear you correctly.”

Howard relaxed back in his chair, not at all concerned by my ire. “I said that, after swapping the agricultural project for this one, we would add a third partner. Hilton Ryan. I know how you hate his guts, but it's business. Keep your personal differences aside, Miles.”

My hand tightened around my glass so hard, I was surprised it didn’t shatter. “You know my history with Hilton.”

He shrugged. “Things changed.”

“You do know that I can always back out at will. Bringing up such a suggestion is the confirmation I need to call it quits on this long-time partnership.”

He waved his hand. “And Hilton would be more than happy to take your position, accept the idea and expand.”

I slammed my hand on the table, not giving a shit if it drew attention to us. “You know how I feel about betrayal. We have been partners for over five years, and suddenly, you refer to that blonde, slim, drug-addict-looking guy? How disappointing.

“You are better than this, Miles. I guess you're growing old at the game.”

“Bullshit. This is all bullshit.”

“The decision is made, and the offer has been extended. I'm sorry if this is disappointing to you. However, it's purely business. Nothing personal.”

I stood up so fast, that my chair toppled back, hitting the floor with a loud thud. I drew myself up to my full height and scowled down at him. The fact that Howard didn't even look dazed showed that his mind was made up, and it was with the help of that snake, Hilton. He's the only one feeding Howard with such nonsense.

“Miles, try to look into the whole situation logically,” his wife, Precious Luke, spoke for the first time. She was a lovely woman, but with disappointment running through me, I was blinded to remember that.

Howard raised his eyebrow. “This is going to benefit our partnership. Why can't you see that? Forget about who we're bringing into the circle.”

I regarded him steadily, tamping down the desire to ask him to go fuck himself. “Mrs. Luke, if you change your mind, give me a call, but hopefully, it's not when it's too late.” Turning to Howard, “I can't believe you dragged me out here for this. You know how I hate functions.”

Shaking my head, I walked away. Heading towards the exit, I searched for her, and she was nowhere to be found. The paparazzi caught sight of me and began to crowd me, taking pictures and asking annoying questions. Since I thought this was going to be a casual meeting, I didn't bother to bring extra security except for Brandon, which hardly happened.

“Mr. Pierce, is it true that you broke up with Miss Louis Theodore?” One of them asked.

“Did you know that she was here tonight? Or, are the rumors not true?” Another asked.

Just in time, Brandon came from behind the relentless paparazzi to clear the way for me. Thanks to Brandon, I was able to get through, heading straight for the car. Louis, was here? That fucking girl! I wished never to set my eyes on her for any reason.

“Where is Miss Tate?” I asked Brandon.

Turning in surprise, “I thought that she was with you, sir.”

Rubbing my temples out of frustration, “if she was, I wouldn't be asking, Brandon,” I sneered.

“True, sir. I'll go look for her,” he stated.

Without giving him a response, he got out of the car. First, she was terrible at her job, now she goes missing? So much for an assistant and a traitorous business partner. What a day! My heart began to itch. Reaching into my shirt, I massaged a bit. Sure didn't help, but it was better than nothing.

So much for taking a break. I have a partnership headache to deal with now. Meaning that, truly, I would be needing Miss Tate as I was going to get busy, at least for a couple of months. Somehow, I felt guilty that she was working without payment. But, I mean, didn't she call me a cleaner, ruin my lilies, and whipped me with her hair? Still, if I wanted to do well with this agricultural expansion, I had to have a happy assistant. Considering that health-wise, I wouldn't be able to do much for now. Hilton and Howard will be crying wolf when I'm done with them.

As I rested my head on the car seat, with Brandon gone for a while, I took it that he hadn't found her. Where could she be? Out of the corners of my eyes, I saw the pink Barbie standing with a dude. Who wouldn't spot her easily, since she was the only colorful person in the environment? Looking around, I saw that the paparazzi weren't around. I had to leave before the function was over, or I would be subjected to greetings and shaking hands while wearing a painful smile with unnecessary people.

I jerked out of the car, walking straight to her. They couldn't see me since they had their backs to me. Who was he, and why would she be doing whatever that was during working hours? I was ready to scold the living daylight out of her.

“Meredith, you've put on a lot of weight. Is this what you've come down to?” the arrogant guy said. “Don't tell me you couldn't handle the breakup with me?”

“Alan, it's not what you think,” she responded, her voice small, anxiety overwhelming her tone.

 “I don't know what it looks like because you're stuck in a corner eating a sandwich even with how fat you look,” he pointed out.

Mentioning that, my eyes glanced at her, and she held a half-eaten meat-filled sandwich. I couldn't blame the guy. He did have a point. How could she be eating a sandwich with the sauce smeared around her lips after the massive plate she had back at my place? This girl could sell a company in exchange for a nice meal.

“I guess I made a great choice leaving you,” the guy added. “I wouldn't be able to bear looking at you like you.”

I don't know what altered a functioning circuit in my brain. It could be what the guy said, or how helpless and defenseless she looked after that asshole said those horrible things to her. I get it. The guy was speaking facts, but saying it to her in that way? It was unacceptable. She was mine to speak to in whatever manner pleased me. Mine to taunt and subject. Seeing someone talk rudely to her made me want to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

“What's going on here? Who are you to demean someone else?” I found myself saying, stepping to stand next to Meredith.

Both their heads turned in my direction and, for some reason, Meredith's eyes glistened. She looked relieved as if her savior had appeared.

The guy straightened out and extended his hand for a shake, which I ignored. “It's such an honor to meet you, Mr. Pierce. I have been trying to get an audience with you for a long time. I didn't know that you'd attend my presentation. Thank you so much,” the guy rambled.

“This is yours?” Meredith asked, perplexity overwhelming her body language. From the looks of things, she had a thing for the guy because of the way she looked at him with a mix of hope and disappointment all in one.

“Yes, it is, Meredith,” the guy quickly responded, disgust plastered on his face before he continued directing his attention to me. “Mr. Pierce, would you like a private--"

Cutting him off, “I don't garner an audience with men who are rude to women. Secondly, I'm one of the few that don't believe in this project. To be honest, it is total trash. Give and take, it will fail in five years, and I don't put energy into failures.”

Something was pushing me to lash out at the guy. Normally, it wasn't my business whatever mess my employees were in. Not even if they were getting punched. However, this one got my notoriety and I couldn't stop myself from standing up for her since she couldn't speak up for herself.

The glee on the guy's face rapidly disappeared, replaced with dismay. Who cares? I didn't. “You must be an employee for him, then, Meredith?” he bit out.

Out of the blue, Meredith stretched her arm out for a bit, more like it was weighing her options, before wrapping it around my waist, pulling me closer to her. “He's my boyfriend,” she announced.

What the fuck?

Comments (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
I’m enjoying this book
goodnovel comment avatar
I’m enjoying it emmensly
goodnovel comment avatar
Uzzy Oge
This girl is my favourite character. Meredith is bold!!

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