
Chapter 2

The thing about me is that I've never had a lot of interest in boys my age. Not that I don't swing that way, I do, but I just feel like they're too much of a hassle to actively pursue.  I couldn't tell if I was more surprised by his looks or how I reacted to it.

I try as much as possible to not make eye contact with him, even though I could see him from my peripheral vision, instead I try to focus on what Principal Mathews was saying. 

"...and after a month, I think Mr Thorsen would be capable enough to get through school by himself," Principal Mathews finished. 

"Alright then..sir. Just a month."

"So, I do believe your first period class has already started. Please take a note from Mrs Givens to explain where you've been…and I believe Mr Thorsen is also headed the same way, so please show him to class."

I nod at the principal respectfully before exiting the office and going to the secretary's desk. I don't even look back to see if 'Mr Thorsen' is following. 

He wasn't. 

I take the note from Mrs Givens and turn around to head for the door, and there he is, standing behind me like a creep. 

I'd like to say that didn't get a reaction out of me but the truth is I flinched so badly I dropped the note. 

I was about to pick up the note when I saw him also move towards it so I just stood there and let him help me. I mean, this isn't a rom-com.

I also use the opportunity to get a good look at him. He had a tall frame, yet lean and muscular, with short but tousled blond hair and the pair of bluest eyes I'd ever seen. A few freckles dotted around his nose and cheekbones, and he had really long lower eyelashes and bushy eyebrows. 

He was wearing an equally blue ear ring on his left ear, but his distinctive features apart, he was dressed pretty casually wearing a blue tee shirt and a grey hoodie over it, dark blue corduroy pants and sneakers. To be honest, he's more beautiful than handsome. 

Yep. The girls are gonna be all over this one. 

He handed the note back to me and I took it from him, and left the principal's office. Despite my head start, he soon caught up to me. 

The hallway was quiet and an awkward silence filled the air. He spoke first however. 

"My name's Theodore Thorsen the Third. But since you'll be working for me this month, I suppose you could call me Theo," he said, his voice deeper than I expected. 

I rolled my eyes at 'working for me' but I decided to ignore the statement. 

"I'm Cora," I state simply. 

"Cora," he repeats, like he's testing my name on his tongue. A shudder runs through me despite myself. 

"Listen Cora, me and you, we're not gonna get all chummy and be friends or anything like that. I didn't come here for make friends," Theo said with a cold edge to his tone. 

Okay, number one, that was sooo rude. Number two..really, the nerve of this guy, I was gonna say the exact same thing. 

"That works for me," I answered, equally cold. 

"Good. I'm glad we both agree on that."

The Biology class is at the end of the hallway and despite catching up to me before, Theo kept a slower pace than I'd like. Again, I decided to ignore that. 

But what I couldn't ignore though, was him staring at me unabashedly, his gaze so intense, I couldn't help but blush under the scrutiny. I made eye contact and he still didn't stop staring. 

I narrow my eyes. "Unless I've suddenly grown a mustache or I have a 'kick me' sign on my back, I don't see any reason you have to stare at me."

Theo stared back at me, eyes bored. "I don't?" 

"It's considered rude to stare at people." 

He cocked his head to the side. "It is? I never knew that."

Okay, is he trying to mess with me?

"I don't believe you didn't know that. I know you're doing it on purpose."

"I have trouble reading the room, or so I'm told. Is there an acceptable time for staring at a person? Theo asked in a serious tone. 

Right. Now I'm sure he's messing with me. But I decided to play along. 

I shrug. "I dunno. Maybe five seconds."

He seemed to think about that for a moment. "Five seconds, huh? I see. This information has been insightful."

I wondered if that was his way of saying 'thank you'.

"Though, if staring at a person for more than five seconds is considered rude," Theo continued, "Then why were you staring at me while I was helping you pick up that note?" 

I almost choked. "T-That's different! You were in my line of sight!" 

"If you say so."

I knew he was messing with me! Tch, I should have seen that coming, I can't believe I fell for that! 

I push my glasses up my nose. I'm definitely gonna get him back for that. Mark my words, Theodore Thorsen the Third, you might have won this battle but the war is far from over. 

I decided to change the subject. "What class are you headed to?" 

Theo looked slightly confused. "I assumed we were headed the same way." 

"Did you even look through your class schedule?" 

He blinked. "No, I don't think I did."

Theo pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. I reach out my hand and he hands it to me. 

I unfold the paper, my eyes browsing through the schedule. It seems we have a lot of classes together. Great. 

I returned the schedule to him. "Well, you're in luck. We are headed the same way. First period's biology." 

He nods his understanding and we finally get to the end of the hallway and reach the entrance to class. I look at Theo and sigh. It's gonna be a long month. 

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