
Chapter 2

I looked around the VIP suite to make sure that there was no camera panning on my face as the bachelor dropped his jaw-dropping offer.

"What's your bank account? I'll send half of the promised amount right at this moment. The other half will be in your account after you say your vow to Kairo," he said. The handsome and filthy wealthy stranger handed me his phone. I was smiling as if daring to challenge his seriousness and authority. I typed in my bank account details and handed him his phone back.

He tore his eyes off me as he typed a few more things on his phone. On cue, he looked back at my face. I heard a text notification from my phone.

Here comes half a million dollars. This man isn't bluffing at all!

With my eyes wide open. I could not help but curse.

"Oh my... you're serious," I blurted out. He subtly lifted his arm to check the time on his Rolex and stood up from the leather couch.

"A limo is waiting for us outside. You can't be seen wearing something like that. I don't want you to taint my sister's good reputation," he said. He took off his coat, and then he draped it on my shoulder. I can feel his big hand and long fingers on the small of my back when it's barely there as he guides me on our way out of the VIP suite.

I can't remember saying yes to this, but I don't think I can let go of the million dollars that I'll get in exchange for marrying a billionaire.

It felt like my head was on cloud nine as we were taking the stairs down from the VIP floor, but I quickly snapped back to reality when a baritone voice called a name that resulted in the man next to me halting his next step.


So, that is his name. The man next to me put pressure on my back. Urging me not to look back, but I can't help it. That man's voice is damn gorgeous that it caught my curiosity.

"Is that?" I was taken aback when, all of a sudden. I felt a force grabbing me away from Nicholas.

I thought I saw the finest man alive when I saw Nicholas earlier. This rude and temperamental man, years older than Nicholas, proved otherwise. That pointed nose of him looks like God took his time sculpting them to perfection. On his eyes are long and flirty eyelashes, but his eyes. I have a hunch that they look dead serious all of the time.

I was so busy checking him out that I didn't mind that he was holding my wrist roughly until Nicholas stripped his hand from that part of my body.

"You're hurting her," Nicholas muttered.

"You have a minute to explain to me why my bride looks like a whore. Why are you even here in the first place?"

"Excuse me?" I mumbled. The audacity of me to be offended as he called me a whore when, in fact. I am a whore. A slut who let men bed me in exchange for money.

"I look like what?" He didn't say anything, but he ran his eyes from my head down to the worn-out knee-length boots that I was wearing,g and it felt like he called me a cheap whore with his eyes the second time around.

"Our wedding on Saturday is stressing the hell out of me. I am so stressed that I do this to relax and unwind." It's a lame ass excuse, but it's all that I can think of.

"What's there to be stressed about, Rory? It's a win-win for you. You get to marry me, and your business merges with mine."

I bit the inside of my cheek to control my raging emotion. I am so pissed with him that his face value is starting to irritate the hell out of me. He is not just rude and temperamental. He is a narcissist asshole too!

"Kairo, this is nothing serious, as you can see. I am with her. Rory is dressed like this, but she didn't do anything that would wreck up your name in the media."

"No," he said firmly as he glanced at my so-called brother, and then his eyes returned to me. "Rory dressed in a piece of that fabric will certainly cost me a damage, Nicholas." I looked away from his eyes as I fixed the draped coat on my shoulder.

"Let's go," Kairo reprimanded. He took a step away from Nicholas and I. When he felt that I didn't move an inch, he looked back at me.

Just five minutes after seeing each other by accident. It felt like this man masters how to move my strings and make me follow him and his way. God, he is so dominating.

"Where do you plan to take her, Mr. Lancaster? It's already late. Rory needs to rest now. I am sure she is tired. We just got off from her surprise bridal shower."

"I am taking my fiancee home," Kairo replied in his most bored voice. He was about to grab me once more when Nicholas pulled me on his back.

"You don't have to. Rory and I live in the same house. Have you forgotten? I will be taking her home." Kairo looked at me in the eye. Without saying a word. Just his eyes. He is asking me to choose between him and my so-called brother.

I end up clinging on Nicholas' arm as an answer to his unsaid question.

"I don't want something like this to happen again, Rory. You are going to be my wife. All the things that you do reflect on me. I'll see you tomorrow," he said before he turned his back on us and started walking away.

I think I get it now. Why did Rory run away from this wedding? I only saw his surface level with these minutes that we are together, and I am sure that he's a controlling beast, a fucking handsome one.

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