
Shattered Hearts

Rose stared at Wayne in stunned silence.

Wayne glanced at his watch. “Tick tock Rose, I haven’t got all day.”

Rose shot him a bewildered look. “I haven’t even said anything but you are practically in attack mode.”

She had never seen him act this way and it was more than a little surprising.

“I’m not attacking you Rose. I only want to make things easier for you, so perhaps I should get the ball rolling since it’s taking you so long to start. It felt good to see Victor today right? All those bottled up feelings suddenly bubbling to the top.

You love him so much that you are going to believe any ball of crap he tosses your way.

He doesn’t even have to put in much effort into spinning his web of lies and you are already caught in it. He has given you exactly what you want to hear; a justifiable reason for abandoning you without a word.

So now, it’s easy for you to jump back into his arms and pick up where you left off.” 
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