
Madeline Black may be many things but she's smart

Madeline POV

When I stepped out of the hallway John had dragged me into, every single fiber of my body slacked in relief. The adrenaline was gone. My heart thumped slowly as I slowly registered what had happened. 

What could have happened.  

"I could have died!" I gasped, clutching my head. The dull throb was back. John had hit the damn thing on the wall too many times like the cruel bastard he was. 

Just what would he have done if I hadn't thought of a plan that quickly?! The jackass would have put a bullet right through my brain. 

My eyes snapped close as I recalled the sound of the gun clicking, the feel of that shiny smooth metal against my head.  

You almost died Madeline, a voice in my head said for clarity and I nodded glumly. I almost did. Right there, at the party, while people drank and hollered, I wa

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