
Good girl

I blushed, the dark room hid the redness in my cheeks as Killian stared at me intensely. I shivered but not from the cold. He stared right into my soul like he was one with me.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

Crap! He noticed.

I shook my head quickly, maybe too quickly because he narrowed his eyes. I looked everywhere but at him.

"Stay here," he said as he left the room in a haste.

I stood up to calm my nerves, God knows what he was up to. I looked around the room trying to focus my attention on something other than climbing him.

I wanted him so bad that my legs ached, I wanted him to give me the pleasure that only he could. I muttered to myself,

"He can't just leave me here." My blood was beginning to boil and I was getting pissed. Horny and anger were never a good combination.

I made a move towards the door when I stopped short, the door opened and he came in carrying a suitcase behind him. My brows furrowed instantly and my lips parted.

Were we going somewhere?

"Are we going somewhere?"
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