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I didn't understand what had happened, but I was in an unfamiliar room when I opened my eyes. One of the bodyguards stood by my side and hurried away before I could say anything.

A man in a white coat came with him, and several others dressed similarly. The man checked my eyes and heartbeat, then asked me to do a few things I could easily do.

I was relieved when they removed the IV needle, catheter, and oxygen mask. I could breathe more comfortably and didn't have to be afraid to move my left arm. Most soothingly, I could move my arms and legs well.

"You are recovering quickly. It's good news. We still need to check the effects of administering the sleeping pills to you. But you don't need to worry. All your organs are functioning properly from the medical examination results," the doctor said kindly.

"Sleeping pills? What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have been put to sleep for six days since the major surgery on your head. Today is the seventh post-surgery day. You don't
Ximena West

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goodnovel comment avatar
Grace Vetura
good job blaze please protect your wife

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